Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Abel Tyson

Abel, is the 21 month old son of one of the medical students at my school. Adam was in the middle of his second year when he and his wife Rachel found out that their sone Abel has stage 3, high-risk neuroblastoma. The tumor, the size of a grapefruit, that was wrapped around his aorta. During the surgery to remove the tumor Abel's heart stopped twice. Surgeons were able to resusicitate him, but he has suffered a lot of brain damage from the lack of oxygen. The post title is a link to a journal about Abel's progress. My heart breaks for this family. They are suffering so much and deped daily on God for strength to make it through the next day. My thoughts turned to Job's suffering today as I was reading Abel's journal. For how long will this family suffer the unknown? They pray for the complete healing of their son. Will that be accomplished in this lifetime. Adam believes with all his heart that it will.

God, be close to Adam and Rachel right now. Give them rest and strength. Lift them up and sustain them. Uphold them with your right hand. Hold them close to you and remind them that you love them. Remind them that they are precious to you and you will never forsake them.

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